A Course in the Sky - Cleeve Hill Golf Club

Golf on the hill is a conundrum of sorts 

It conjures a myriad of far ranging thoughts 

The ever changing wind seems alive like the tide 

And it will cut like a carving knife and chill your insides

The weather is never the same on two days

And the views are the best with the setting suns rays

Ancient, barely changed since the days of Old Tom

Small alterations arose when the Doctor did come  

A game played on the ground is the best way, I’m told

The same ground that has given so much to the Wolds 

Entwined with the land like it is stitched to its side

The course on Cleeve Hill is one that not all will abide 

But it is a purer, more wholesome version of our game

Leaving one knowing golf elsewhere can not be the same

But what is so perfect about this course in the sky?

Where the skylarks day chorus will draw your eyes high  

The views are spectacular, designed to endure 

And they’ll take your eyes from this hilltop right out to the shore

Golfers duel like kites above the blanketed clouds 

Far away from those ever hastening, twenty first century crowds

But the course was in peril, the gatekeeper near

A situation had arisen that threatened what’s here

It took such drama to see what was at stake

An artefact, a museum piece that no new course could fake

A place so special to more people than I

And will be so, long after our days have gone by.